Comparing Aristotle's Politics And Confucius Fusion

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Politics and Confucius Fusion
Aristotle ( 384-322 B.C.) was a Greek philosopher and political scientist born in Stagira, Greece, who focused mainly on politics and made significant contributions to various fields in knowledge such as ethics and biology. Many of his opinions and thoughts regarding politics are expressed throughout his work the Politics Book I from 350 B.C. Unlike Aristotle, Kongzi (551 - 479 B.C.) was an ancient Chinese politician, who introduces Confucius, a teaching that was built to establish the social values, and transcendental ideals of traditional Chinese society. In the Analects of Confucius, students of Kongzi discuss about the doctrine of Kongzi and his goal to rebuild the Golden Age. Despite their similar thoughts and opinions regarding the the accumulation of wealth such as …show more content…

However, Kongzi believes that the ruler stimulates virtue in his followers but Aristotle believes that it depends on people’s decision to aim for it individually. From their teaching of wealth the readers can conclude that it is part of the human instinct to desire wealth. Unfortunately, it could either be a blessing or a curse depending on how some decided to acquire it. Eliminating the thought of gaining profit from the improper acquisition of wealth can prevent one from becoming corrupted. However, is it really possible to create society with uncorrupted people when making money in the unethical way is the fastest method to gain wealth? Someone can make a thousand dollars in a day by kidnapping a child from a wealthy family while it might take a baker approximately a month to make the same amount. Why are people who owns a quantity of money considered rich when the one who has less materialistic possessions and has more knowledge, a good family, and basic necessities in life should be considered the most