Summary Of Chris Abani's The Lottery

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Many people feel they are being persuaded into doing acts that they don’t want to, or having judgments that they don’t believe in, all because people are used to doing what they see others do. In Chris Abani’s short story The Lottery, he was only a 10 year old boy when he got pressured into seeing a man burn and had to also spit on him. Langston Hughes was also a young boy in Salvation, when he had to lie in church, about being saved by Jesus. In the short piece Why Are Beggars Despised? George Orwell does not see a difference in beggars who live on the streets and working people. He believes beggars shouldn’t be looked down on because they don’t have jobs. Abani, Hughes, and Orwell all claim that society pressures people into believing certain things and acting in certain ways by, making people learn from others mistakes, pressuring humans into doing what others do, and …show more content…

Abani shows that society pressured him into seeing someone die. They did it to try to teach him a lesson, when in reality it didn't gain Abani anything. Society however, was being pressured by their religion, and what they thought was right and wrong. Hughes was persuaded into following what he saw others do, due to pressure. Hughes was one of the few kids who really wanted to see Jesus, but ended up lying to not keep his aunt and other adults waiting. The worse thing the pressure brought to Hughes was his loss of faith. He no longer could believe in Jesus, and he lost that faith while making other people happy that he had been “saved.” Orwell doesn't buy what society believes about beggars. Beggars have to go through a lot on the streets, to still be detested by society. Society doesn't care what beggars have to go through, they only care about who has a lot of money. Society don't care where the money comes from, because it makes a person seem successful. Whoever doesn't have much according to them, is a lazy and useless