Aristotle's Five Strengths

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Aristotle’s Mean and My Top Five Themes In reading Aristotle’s teachings on happiness, virtues and ethics it is amazing to see the logical reasoning he presents when offering his “mean” theory and how to pursue happiness, as our final goal in life, by practicing this realistic exercise of moderation in all we do. I agree with his teaching completely and I am entirely aware of how easy it is to over indulge, just as I am aware of not doing enough as being a peril also. I am lucky enough to have taken the Gallup Strengthsfinder. My top five strengths are: Developer, Achiever, Harmony, Learner and Restorative. These five strengths have offered some insight on two feelings/emotions I consider precarious, if not kept in check, they are gluttony …show more content…

No one wants to be a coward. We all want to be able to take care of, or defend, our family if harm arises that could threaten their safety. No one wants to run and leave their family because of fear. However, the flip side of courage is recklessness. An example of recklessness would be suicide attacks. It is almost impossible not to feel bewilderment when viewing a suicide attack. Regardless, there are some people who see no other way to get their point across without the senseless killing of not only their self, but of other innocent people as well. The solution, or the “mean” insofar as the two extreme emotions regarding courage, is offered in the behavior of Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. King displayed great courage and temperance in his fight for a better life, not only for his family but, for all people who suffered discrimination because of the color of their skin. Dr. King’s campaign was a non-violent movement on his part even though his adversary’s acts were not. His persistence, and peace marches along with his inspiring speeches, ultimately produced an awareness that although still not perfect continues on today. Unfortunately, Dr. King was murdered because someone else could not practice a “mean” of their