Arizona Mexican Heritage Film Analysis

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"Arizona Mexican Heritage: An American Story"
The creation of the video stared with Pete Dimas personal experience upon his childhood, family and Mexicans in Arizona. Dimas notice in school that there were a small number of Chicanos, there wasn’t hardly any, not even in books there where unviable. With his knowledge he gave life to Chicanos and gave a brief introduction of the transformation of the United Sated of America by making this film "Arizona Mexican Heritage: An American Story" proving that Chicanos exist in the pass, now and future in the territory of what’s now America.
To begin, the history of Phoenix started in the 1947. The town of Phoenix was settled in 1867, and incorporated in 1881 as the City of Phoenix, where phoenix mainly depends upon a large number of irrigation projects. For example in War II there was the Five Cs which represent: cotton, citrus, cattle and climate, and copper. Trade began …show more content…

About that time cultural traits where made which then where shared by its indigenous cultures. Monte Albán is consider to be a capital of important numerous of polity which is dominated by Oaxacan. It contains other regional sates like Teotihuacan located to the north. In the city you can observe the sun, moon and empires being an important role as gods where.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848, Where Mexico and the United Sates went to war even though Abraham said he was completely against saying it was an unnecessary war. In May 13 1846 Mexico lost the war with the U.S, the war resulted ssuccessful for the U.S because they had obtain what they always wanted property of lands. The U.S payed Mexico fifteen million dollars for the