Arizona State Personal Statement

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My application to Arizona State’s Media, Arts and Sciences program reflects my interest in gaining a deeper understanding of media within an experiential system while integrating my study with the work of Professors Allenby and Sarewitz in the Sustainabilities Program. In consulting with Professor Allenby, I am confident his recommendation that I work toward the degree for which I will seek post-doctoral employment is the appropriate direction. As an artist and professional in digital media, film, writing, teaching, photography, and theater, I am astute to the symbiosis between art and science and naturally seek unifying themes in disparate disciplines. I am also a CompTia Certified Technical Trainer and have achieved expert status in Adobe After Effects. These life experiences allow me to work natively within a transdisciplinary environment. My purpose in applying to Arizona State is to create an innovative pedagogical method for teaching techno-human literacy using experiential design. The goal of the project is to:
− prepare us for the difficult, personal and ethical issues technology will continue to present
− increase perception of our agency in becoming techno-humans
− and to prompt dialectic …show more content…

During further research, there was the striking realization that much of the thought on techno-humanism and transhumanism is exclusive to academia. The concepts have not trickled down into broader awareness. (It is telling that as I type “techno-human” and “transhumanism” into the Microsoft Office Word application, the software automatically underlines them as “unknown.”) Yet, it is the masses who are affected by technology’s advance on humanity, and it is sensible to provide an accessible, considered method for achieving literacy about how technology affects us as humans, and affects our perception of the