Arizona State University's K-12 Summer Enrollment Program: Personal Statement

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For as long as I can remember, I have loved learning. There are some children who want you to hold them and others that want you to play with them. I was never that simple. I was the persistent child who carried around books and wanted to be read to. Consequently, I grew frustrated at the fact that I was not reading at the advanced level adults around me were. Recognizing this desire, my mother solved my dilemma by enrolling me in Arizona State University’s K-12 Summer Enrichment Program. Because I was only four years old, I had to meet with the dean of admissions and read to him. Impressed with my ability, he concluded that I must have been reading off of memory and requested that I read books from his own shelf. Unexpectedly, I completed the task and although I did not meet the age requirements, was let into the program. This experience has played a major role in shaping who I am today. Because of this strong foundation, I do not only excelled in school, but, enjoy it and I strongly believe that participating in the ACE program will offer me the same benefits for my future. …show more content…

My mother graduated from Arizona State University and has never regretted this decision. Similarly, there has never been a time in my life where I doubted if achieving a college education was the right path for me. I am a determined, passionate and driven student. I have continuously surpassed testing benchmarks and have currently earned a 3.4 GPA. Furthermore, I am confident that I will have no problem committing and mastering these college classes. I successfully balance rigorous honors and AP coursework with various extracurriculars --ie dance, community service, JV Tennis team, and being officer of Mountain Pointe High School’s Black Student