Art And Art Essay

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How does the growth of technology affects how art is being presented?

Art, art has always been here ever since the creation of the Universe (well maybe I over exaggerated a bit). It has been here with us humans ever since The Stone Age. Almost anything can be presented as a form of art, from the painting of Mona Lisa, to movies, to video games, and even to how a person organize his room, all of these can be qualified as forms of art. As the human technology advances new art forms were also being presented to the world. During the 19 centuries, people have been introduced to brand new technology: the computer. This piece of invention opened up so many new opportunity to further technology advancement and given people the chance to experiment it’s capability. People created some impressive forms of art throughout our existence Mona Lisa, The Scream, The Starry Night, The Last Supper etc. However during the 1960s people were being presented with this:

Art by: Frieder Nake

It’s lines One of the very first digital art ever made. This creation is made by using computer programming. It may be unimpressive to most people in modern times and can be easily done by Paint, yet note that this is made during the 1960s. This artwork inspired lots of artists and engineers to start learning programming and computer science and to learn that to what extent