Art And Politics, Dissent And Repression By John Sayer Analysis

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In his essay "Art and Politics, Dissent and Repression: The Masses Magazine Versus the Government, 1917-1918,\" John Sayer definitely offers a particularly compelling analysis of the tensions between art and politics during the tumultuous period of World War I. Sayer examines the case of The Masses, a definitely radical sort of socialist magazine that kind of emerged during this period, and its clash with the US government over issues of censorship and dissent in a particularly major way. One of the key arguments of Sayer''s essay mostly is that The Masses, as a forum for basically radical artistic and political expression, represented a basically direct challenge to the dominant values of American society in a particularly big way. The magazine\'s editors and contributors particularly sought to use art as a means of critiquing generally social and political inequality, and their work often for all intents and purposes reflected the broader cultural upheavals of the time, which for the most part is fairly significant. However, this uncompromising stance brought them into …show more content…

Sayer examines the case of The Masses, a generally radical for all intents and purposes socialist magazine that literally emerged during this period, and its clash with the US government over issues of censorship and dissent, which specifically is quite

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