Why College Is Important To Me Research Paper

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More recently college has become a major stepping stone on the path to adulthood. College helps job possibilities and gaining knowledge for the future. While one of the most important parts of college is the knowledge that can be gained there are other important things about it. Life in college is a great time to expand my horizons and try new things. Whether it is a new hobby, career, or a new way of thinking, college will allows me to find new things about myself. Along with finding new hobbies I will also find new friends and mentors. From teachers to students, college will help me meet new people that are beneficial to my future. The other most important part of college is responsibility. Learning how to adjust to the world alone without support is a monumentis task. Being away from family can be hard, but it will teach me many lessons for the future. …show more content…

Even if the classes are not for the main degree, they can help teach me things for the future. Since I want to go into historic preservation, college is an important task for me. While I have much experience in museums from volunteering, not everything can be learned. College will help me learn more about the different museums, preservation steps, and gain practical experience in the field. I can also gain experience from people who are experts in the field. This will prepare me for my future and allow me to move on to a career and/ or a master’s program. Colleges usually contain thousands of students who are all looking to expand their knowledge and get a degree. With all of these people it means there are many chances to find new friends and acquaintances. Whether they are in the same degree path, share a similar hobby, or even a similar past, there is a multitude of ways to find new friends. Meeting new people can help increase the enjoyment of college, and teach me about other people, their way of life, and their