
Arthur Boo Radley

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To kill a mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee, tell the story about family life of Atticus Finch, a lawyer in Maycomb County. Atticus is a widower who has two children named are Jean Louise Finch(Scout) is the daughter of Atticus Finch who was seven years old or older brother named Jeremy Jem Finch(Jem) was four years older than Scout. Since her mother died, there is a black maid named Calpurnia who takes care of Jem and Scout. Calpunia come from Alabama, United States. Jem and Scout meet with peers who named Dill who is on vacation in Maycomb County when summer. At the time, Dill suggested Jem and Scout to make Arthur Boo Radley is a mysterious man to get out of his house. Boo Radley is a mysterious neighbor, never leave the house
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