Arthur Hacker Relics Of The Brave Rhetorical Analysis

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As I was admiring all the art works displayed in the Telfair Academy of Art and Science, one of them caught my attention, Relics of the Brave by Arthur Hacker painted 1882-1883. This is an oil painting on canvas. Its dimensions are 59 ¼” x 83”. The work depicts a sorrowful young woman sitting down on a small round table, with her right hand on the side of her head, and a letter on the other hand. On the table is one medal. Beside her, sitting in another chair with his head down and a depressed expression on his face is an elderly man with a cane who can be either her father or father in law, wearing an old black jacket, red long sleeves shirt a dirty brown pants, and old browns boots. A teen girl, with a green dress and a white apron and a …show more content…

Then when I read the information I was not wrong at all. This connection it’s due to the twenty two years my husband has served the USA Army. I can see and feel her pain and frustration. I remember when my husband was at war, not knowing if I will see him again, if he was coming back the same way he left. This painting reflects my friend Ana’s life. Her husband was killed in action. Words can described how painful and devastating is, when a Chaplain knock at your door and delivery the horrible news. On this painting looks that with a letter they deliver the bad news, and with it they sent the medals that was awarded to the soldier. Today the USA Army help the widow with an insurance, instead of medal, the widow receive an American flag. But I know that in other countries this painting scene is still the same. The family has no resources and when the soldier died, there isn’t any help at all for them. For me this painting works as a voice, showing the soldier’s sacrificed, but also the consequences for the family he’s leaving