Norman Rockwell Four Freedom Of Speech Analysis

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Norman Rockwell is an Americana artist. He was born in New York city on February 3rd ,1894 . Inspired by president Franklin D.Roosevelt’s famous “ Four Freedoms” speech delivered to Congress on the eve of World War II, Norman Rockwell created fort painting depicting simple family scenes,illustrating freedoms Americans often take for granted. The Four Freedoms are printed and distributed,ultimately raising $132 million for the war effort(Cutler 18). He spends six months to finished those painting in 1943.The Four freedoms which are freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. Freedom of speech is a painting about a gentleman wears different cloth, he is not in a suit and tie like most of the audience. He stands up in his working man clothed and looks so noble that he’s really inspired by the figure a paper handing in the picture. And the citizens listen so attentively and respectfully(“Americaiwwii”). I can see the courage up the figure in the center to stand up and speak his mind,knowing that he’s in a safe respectful environment up his community. Freedom of worship is a painting about a grouping up heads of people coming together .Each worshiping according to the dictates up their own conscience that’s the phrase that transcribed at the top of the painting. …show more content…

Hopefully with safety and with security and with love, and knowledge that they’ll be safe when they wake up in the morning. What the headline in the newspaper a father is holding is “ Bombing Harbors In London” referencing the raging was in the Europe at the time when America stepped into World War II(“ the Saturday Evening Post”). Of course, we know this isn’t so everywhere in the world. So this painting captured the beautifully concept of being free from fear with the universal moment that everyone could identify with