Artificial Intelligence In Daniel Keyes Flowers For Algernon

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“Flowers for Algernon” Persuasive Essay

“People who would not take advantage of a man born without arms ,legs or eyes would not think nothing about abusing a man born with low intelligence.” - Anonymous In the story “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes, Charlie Gordon undergoes a life changing operation for Artificial Intelligence. With an IQ of just sixty-eight his doctors to triple that . In the end it all comes crashing down rapidly. Charlie was wrong to have had the surgery because his life dramatically changed with the operation After the Operation Charlie had suicide had suicide thoughts, felt alone and his perspective on how cruel the world was developed. Prior to having the Artificial Intelligence surgery Charlie didn’t …show more content…

go along with what I said before when the surgery we should speak truly column specifically voting Charlie who said “ I am alone in my apartment at Mrs Flynn boarding house most of the time end cells only speak to anyone.” ( keyes 236). Incidentals at Charlie 's and of have artificial intelligence surgery. finally Charlie Gordon was better off before the artificial intelligence surgery because, Charlie didn 't have such a girl 's perspective on the world around him. an example of this is… “ I often reread my progress report and seen the literacy , childish naivete, The mind of low intelligence peering from a dark room through the Keyhole at the dazzling light outside.” this quote clearly shows that Charlie develop A New scroll perspective on the world proving once again he was better off before artificial intelligence. it is often supposed that Charlie was better off after the artificial intelligence surgery. for the following two reasons, first off Charlie contributed to science. secondly he realizes the truth about his friend. yes, he may have contributed to science but he is a human not a lab rat. also Charlie realized who is real friends were which led to depression betrayal and heartbreak. even though there may be Pros I 'm having the surgery there are many