Artisan Kitchenaid Mixer Research Paper

777 Words4 Pages

Artisan Kitchenaid Mixer — Your Path to Great Cooking
What You Need to Know

The Artisan KitchenAid Stand Mixer is a professional quality mixer. This very powerful appliance provides 325 watts of power which can deliver 10 different speeds. It presents its user the capability to pick from a slow mixing speed to a rapid quick blend to a high speed and very thorough beating. A sliding scale is available to enable you to locate the correct setting for every use. The bonus here is that you can specify the right velocity for whatever food and drinks you’re making. The Artisan Kitchenaid Mixer’s motor delivers the power to mix large batches easily.

Artisan Kitchenaid Mixer in Cobalt Blue
Artisan Kitchenaid Mixer in Cobalt Blue

This professional Artisan Kitchenaid stand mixer comes standard with a heavy-duty 5 quart stainless steel mixing bowl. The large steel mixing bowl presents the opportunity for every chef to mix small, medium and large batches of batter or dough. It also has an ergonomic handle that is widely admired since the hand can easily fit around it, as well as a clear plastic pouring shield, It comes with the 5 quart bowl, but it can also accommodate the 3- …show more content…

There is a beater that can help with creating cakes, combining foods for casseroles and any of the normal general mixing chores any cook needs to do every day. There is also a hook that can help a busy cook by easily kneading yeast dough and permit making an endless variety of homemade bread and rolls and even pizza dough. An Artisan Kitchenaid mixer can very usefully mix larger components, such as, perhaps, the dressing ingredients for the Thanksgiving turkey–add in the chunks of dry bread, chopped vegetables, cut-up dried fruit, browned sausage, chopped nuts and whatever else strikes your fancy. It will all go together and probably establish your reputation as an innovative cook

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