Arts Should Be Cut From Schools

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Art has been evident for thousands of years. From simplistic representation, for example cave drawings produced by cavemen, to renowned pieces like Johannes Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring, art is used as a means of expression. Artistic statement is not only represented in painting: music, photography, sculpting, and other means artistic skill are valued for their expression. Children, students, and adults alike likely partake in an artform of some kind in their life. In recent years, art classes have not been included in curriculum: educational art classes of various types have been cut from schools, leaving students no source of discovering the opportunities of invention that the arts allow. Music is an art form broadly celebrated by people around the world. Including music education within school curriculum is beneficial for the developing brain. …show more content…

Schools were struck just as harshly: 95% of arts programs were cut following the recent economic downfall. Music is beneficial to students’ cognitive function. John Dani, PhD, with Penn Medicine addressed the psychical benefits of playing an instrument, “The brain’s executive function – which plans and makes decisions – comes into play as a musician plays one part but keeps focus on what’s coming next. Couple that with the total sensory input – visual, auditory, emotional and all at the same time – and it becomes a total ‘workout’ for the brain” (Sapega). The brain is a machine that requires exercise much like our physical body. By working out the brain, students are expanding their brain’s abilities as well as preparing it for any task required. The physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits of playing an instrument enhances students’ mind to the extent that their intellectual capabilities will ultimately improve with their