Arya In Game Of Thrones Research Paper

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The last anyone has seen of Arya in Game of Thrones season 6 was when she killed the waif and reclaimed her name. She is now known as Arya again and she will never be called a girl with no name. What is next for Arya in Game of Thrones season 6? It is believed that she is making her list again and she will be checking sone names off that list. On her list were names that hounded her family. On her “kill list” was Walder Frey. He was one of the men responsible for the Red Wedding. Walder Frey is still alive and kicking. He may just get what is coming to him, seeing that Arya is double checking her list of names. But there is a twist to this. They call it a “guest right.” It is a tradition that means once bread and salt have een shared between