
Ashton Kutcher's Speech For The Teen Choice Awards

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Speech Critique, Paper Assignment
Watching Ashton Kutcher’s Speech for the Teen Choice Awards shows a meaningful lesson while still being more lighthearted for his audience. Kutcher does a great job of addressing all points needed in an informative speech. He first began with an opening statement to get everyone's attention, he made a lightheaded joke which was fitting for the group he was presenting to. He then went into his introduction which was explaining what he would be talking about, he then gets straight to the point and named the three topics he will be explaining. Once he gets past the introduction of the speech, he goes into depth about his three topics, explaining one at a time. After his body, he goes straight to the conclusion and wraps up what his whole speech was about. …show more content…

All these different styles correlate with the same preparation outline. In Kutcher’s speech, he hits all the points needed for a great speech and you could tell if he were to have an outline it would be very in-depth and meaningful. In his introduction, he uses “Internal previews (which) let your audience know what is coming up next in the speech and what to expect concerning the content of your speech”(Speak Out Chapter 6). “Many speakers struggle with how to start their speech because they’re often worried that their words won’t be memorable, attention-capturing, and clever enough to get their audience interested,” Kutcher did a great job of making his first words memorable and funny, which was fitting for the audience (Speak Out Chapter 6). He went straight to the point after his quick introduction and immediately started talking in depth about his three points. Ashton Kutcher did a great and quick introduction before leading into his 3 topics in the body of his

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