Asian-American Culture

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As a result, extroverts are more sensitive to rewards. When performing certain tasks, extroverts are better at handling multiple tasks whereas introverts sometimes becoming overwhelemd with large amounts of information - nevertheless, introverts are more likely to work harder on a problem they don 't understand unlike extroverts who give up quicker. This is because introverts and extroverts face a task differently. Introverts understand that rewards aren 't everything - instead, you have to look outside the immediate rewards and look for your flow - something you care about.
In a high school in Cupertino, "introversion is not looked down upon. It is some cases...highly respected and admired." (397). Asian-American culture, for the most part, values education above all. Education is not an individual feat, however. Parents play a large role in their children’s education, and children must dutifully recognize their filial obligations and pay due respect to their elders. This is a culture that values introversion. Asians tend to be better students because they exercise quiet persistence, in which they detach themselves from …show more content…

Introverts act as mavericks, tending to converse with others with deeper connections whereas extroverts form more superficial connections with a greater number of people, which seems almost quixotic. It 's especially important to consider the arguments constructed in this book in the frame of a child. Introverted children should be exposed gradually to the world of extroversion, but should not be pushed past their limits otherwise they may "feel emotionally threatened" and associate school with negative emotions. Instead, they should focus on their deepest interests and try to attend a school that suits their personalities, with understanding teachers an integral element of the