Aspects Of Negro Life During The Harlem Renaissance

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A renaissance is a rebirth of art and literature. It is also a French word, meaning “rebirth”. Throughout history, it has been shown that social and philosophical changes are represented in the form of art during a renaissance. Beliefs and values throughout society are being reborn by these changes. Artists have always been involved during periods of societal change to express the experiences of the people who are going through changes in their way of living and working. The Italian and Harlem Renaissances provide examples of how art can symbolize societal change. And this was shown during the Harlem and Italian renaissances. The art of the Harlem Renaissance reflects changes in society during that time. In the mural "Aspects of Negro Life,” events like the Harlem Renaissance and the Underground Railroad …show more content…

This art piece shows that throughout the 19th and 20th century, African-American culture was reborn. By displaying the Emancipation Proclamation, a ballot (symbolizing voting rights), and a person breaking free of chains (meaning that the person is breaking away from slavery and becoming free) the meaning of this artwork is certain to be depicting the Harlem Renaissance and the Underground Railroad. To summarize, the Harlem Renaissance and the Underground Railroad are depicted in this piece of art. In addition, a few ways of thinking and beliefs were introduced and embraced throughout Italy during the Renaissance as society changed and religion lost its influence on its people. As we can see from this piece, Plato and Aristotle are the focal point in this piece of art. We can tell because the people in this picture all make way for the two to be in the front. It's interesting that they are viewed in this way because philosophers were formerly thought of as rebels who rejected religion during the Middle Ages. Plato (on the left) appears to be looking to the sky, symbolizing his belief that humans get their knowledge from the heavens rather than being born with