Assess The Arguments Against Refugees

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There is a refugee crisis happening right now in the world. In Europe there are some countries who accepts huge amounts of the people in need and there are those who accepts close to none. Britain doesn’t accept any of the refugees. So I found two articles regarding this issue, one article from The Guardian and another one from Daily Mail. The Guardian are for and the Daily Mail are against letting in the refugees into Britain.

The article from The Guardian is debating for accepting refugees. The author uses very passionate language and writes dramatic sentences to drag attention to how bad the refugees situation is; examples are “herded like cattle”, “toxic situation” and “impossible to imagine what it must be like to flee the dangers”. The article points at how badly they are treated in the countries they come to, that Britain is one of the worst offenders in Europe and how Britain is one reason for the civil wars beginnings, since Britain a long time ago pushed different groups of people into one country when they made the borders. This is to make the British people feel sympathy and guilt so that they think Britain must let in the refugees. In the article there are specific facts, like that the number of deaths on the Mediterranean sea is 400 higher than last year or how the refugees are treated in the Czech Republic.These facts are easy to look up and …show more content…

The author uses patriotism to encourage the British people to think that letting in the refugees will destroy the safety of the residents, change their culture and that the country has a legacy that strangers can’t take care of. In the article it also says that opening the borders will push wages down and raise the housing costs. The author states his opinions like facts, for example that keeping their country undamaged is one of their heaviest responsibilities and that Britain is a desirable place since it’s

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