Assess The Impact Of Race On Negatively Racialised Groups In Society

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Race is a reality that we perceive from a young age. Scholars use ‘race’ as concept to characterize those who have different skin colour and beliefs. In this essay I will discuss Race as a social concept and examples of ‘race’ in Ireland. I will also discuss Racialisation as a process, I will then go on to discuss racism with published evidence which show the impact of ‘Race’ on negatively racialised groups in Society. Race can be defined as a group of individuals who are identified as distinct from other groups due to genetic, biological traits shared by a certain group of individuals. (Cole, 2017). Racialisation is the process of categorizing people due to their presumed race. (Anyetei, 2013) Racism is prejudice against an individual or group of a different ‘race’ built on the belief that one’s individual race is greater. (English Oxford Dictionaries, 2018).
“Sociologists find themselves deeply intrigued by the concept of race, which seems to be an organising structure within society on a par with gender or class (p.2)” (Atkin, 2014, P. 2). The term ‘Race’ first came about in the west within 1200 and 1500ce. It was used to categorize shared biological behaviours/traits. It ‘simplified’ the groups of distinct people. Religion is something we are born into …show more content…

For example, Muslim people in Dublin are continually experiencing racist actions against them in Work, Education, and dealing with people in society. They experience racism from teachers, employers, the gardaí and the media. Some females even say they have been told they cannot wear their hijabs. In the Islamophobia study carried out in Dublin Muslim woman are said to even be followed round by security guards. (Healy, The, 2016). Racism occurs daily, one woman who was Irish born, was minding her own business walking towards the Luas when a man hurled the words “Go back to your own country, you muzzie” at her. (Healy, The,