Assessment Task 2: Linking Theory To Practice

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Assessment Task 2: Linking theory to practice In the second assignment, you will need to - Discuss how children learn and develop language and literacy skills (in this section you will critically reflect on theories of language development) Babies start out using non-verbal cues as a developing form of communication; these nonverbal cues are meaningful representations like words that are yet to be spoken. Children are constantly learning and developing language skills through verbal and nonverbal forms of communication. Gestures like pointing are used by children in their early years as a way of communication, meaningful interactions with adults in their environments can lead to informative explanations for a child. When children look or …show more content…

Interactions between an adult and child during the early years are vital for their development and learning, as they are still grasping day-to-day skills and understanding new life concepts. Children learn and develop their language and literacy skills through interactions with others; they begin by absorbing, listening and then imitating and practising (Buckely 2003) Learning environments that promote language and literacy development are environments which expose and encourage children to interact with various forms of print. Behaviourists such as Skinner (1953) argue that language acquisition and development are learned through observation of behaviours in their social environment; these behaviours are then practiced through imitation by the child. Children learn through imitating what they see others do or how they behaviour, play is the most important learning tool for children to construct meaning of these behaviours. Dramatic play in early childhood settings allow for children to recreate environments they may have visited and share their experiences with their peers, such as going to the doctors. As their language and literacy develops these play experiences become more complex as they mix both their real …show more content…

Developing children’s language and literacy through modelling reading books aloud, or one on one discussion’s not only encourages conversations and collaborative thinking but also helps children gain a deeper understanding by being able to listen and absorb the language being used around them. Allowing children to be actively engaged with a book such as retelling a story though dramatisation or inviting children to play with objects related to concepts or characters in the book (Wasik & Bond, 2001) increases a child’s comprehension and language development. Early childhood settings base their pedagogy and practice around a play based program, I believe that children learn through hands on experiences as they experiment with the trial and error of their actions. John Dewey’s (1897) philosophy of progressive education redirected today’s early childhood education as it emphasizes the need to learn by doing, as he believed that human beings learn through a ‘hands on’ approach. Children must be able to interact and explore with their environment in order for them to adapt and learn, by creating a child-centred approach in an early childhood setting this allows for the child’s needs and interests to be catered for. In Dewey 's view an adult should