John Corcoran's Literacy In Young Children

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Literacy When brought into a sentence, the name John Corcoran probably does not register any recollection of an important figure or person. He was like any other person. Corcoran was Born in 1937, graduated from college in 1961, became a high school English teacher, proceeded to be a successful realtor estate developer, and at the age of 48 he learned how to read. Although the worldwide literacy rate is 84.1%, there are still millions who struggle with the ability to read and write. In fact, 773.5 million adults are illiterate, along with 123.2 million children. For this reason, it is crucial that a child reads throughout their childhood. Reading as a child increases a student's academic standings. Through reading a child’s awareness and understanding …show more content…

Each book’s theme focused on a variety social situations and viewpoints. One example directly from my source is, “in the book Oscar's Rotten Birthday , Bert and Ernie prepare a surprise party for Oscar who lives in the trash can on Sesame Street and hates parties. He hears about it, and is upset. But his friends know him and prepare a party just as he likes with mud cake and dirty, broken gifts (Adam par.20).” Each parent- child duo was required to attend a workshop. The workshop consisted of four main steps. First, the researchers explained the importance of high quality parental guidance (Adam par.21). They also explained the importance of sensitivity to a child’s perspective and attention span. Second, the parents were taught about the significance of reading books to a child as it increases their vocabulary, develops their language, and helps them to understand around them. Third, social cognition is vital to a child’s development and well being. Finally for the fourth step the researchers introduced the intervention program (Adam par.21). The families would receive four books total, one book per week. The parents were told to read the book to their child four times and after they were given a detailed outline on what to discuss with their child (Adam