Assignment 1 Comm 216

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Carmen Chan
COM 216-1002
February 3rd 2016
COM 216 Assessments#1

1. Theory is the general statements or ideas that explain the relationship about how everything works, produces or happens. The four main goals for theories in communication contain description, explanation, prediction and reformation. Each of the goals engages with theory on different levels in order to justify the theory. First goal, description. Description serves as the foundation base of theory. The main idea is simple. Before learning how something works, we describe it and ask ourselves the most basic question, what is it? On 1949, research scientists Claude Shannon and Warren Weaven described communication as a way of how people transmit information or thoughts between …show more content…

However, understanding does not correspond with prediction and control. It is a state of cooperative relations between people. Simply like, if I already predicted that my mother would not let me out if I will get home late, then in order to persuade her into letting me out, I will most definitely inform her that I will be home before curfew to prevent her from keeping me at home. And changes are if she still decline my request, then pulling out excuses and hoping for her understanding and toleration would possibly bring a positive outcome for the whole communication. Last goal of the theory, reform. Reformation improves and eliminates negative outcomes. Many theorists did not think reforming is necessary because it’s wrong to try to change our behavior. However, reformations can benefits long term communication. If my mother does not like me staying out too late, then I should do something to change her prediction of what I’m actually doing outside. Communicate with her, and let her know I am behaving and acting appropriate while I am out. Mention about I am getting my homework and studying done before I want to go out. Simply describe and explain what I will be doing …show more content…

The evaluations of theories determine the quality of a theory. In order to determine if the theory is satisfying or advantageous, scope, testability, parsimony, utility and heurism are the fives evaluation criteria. First, scope is the range of view, the outlook of the theory that describes and explains. There are two based explanations that can help determine the scope of a good theory. Las-based explanation and rules-based explanations. Law-based explanations are more causal, like math. The law determines if the sides of a triangle are 3:4:5 cm, then the triangle will absolutely be a right triangle. Rules-based explanations are more scope restricted and can only explain a certain type of situation outcome. Like if a baby cries, then he is hungry. However, baby cries for varies different reasons therefore this theory has a large range to go on. Second is testability, which is if the theory is testable. Testability can evaluate the accuracy of a theory. Like honesty testing in any kind of relationships between family, friends and lovers. Is the theory of being honest to your partner going to make a relationship last longer? It is a testable theory to evaluate if being honest can eliminate negative predictions. Third, parsimony. In this case, we refer to simplicity. Is the theory simple and contains all the ideas needed? The best theory describes, explains, predicts and reforms. For example, in our theories, dress appropriately will impress our interviewer therefore we

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