The Importance Of Dealing With Bullying In Schools

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Within your work placement when dealing with bullying it is very important to know and be able to follow the school’s policies and procedures to correctly support both the child and families. When a child is being bullied it isn’t just upsetting and worrying for the child but also their families, parents need to know their child is safe at school and out of harm’s way and that they are happy and enjoying school. Children and young people have the right to know that they are protected by law and that there is support out there for them to talk to people and to get advice, also parents need to know that if their child is a victim of bullying there is support out there to show them and advise them on ways of how to cope and help the child deal with the bullying. All children and young people have the right to attend school and feel welcomed, safe, secure and protected.

Miss Leah Baker
Assignment 2.

Parents/carers of a child or young person being bullied at school could feel very distressed and alone on hearing that their child is a victim of bullying so it is important that they are given the same amount of respect so they feel like the matter is being dealt with in the correct way and in a timely …show more content…

For older children and young people, bullying could be a more severe problem such as threatening behaviour, physical behaviour such as hitting, kicking and verbally hurtful behaviour this type of bullying can then be dealt with by the form teacher or head of year/head teacher. In both incidents, all children and young people concerned will be monitored and certain steps of supervision will be set in place to keep them safe, secure and happy while they are in the setting making sure there are no