Impact Of Globalization On Public Health

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Unit 7 Written Assignment
Health and Globalization
The increasingly movement of people, food and in turn, manufactured goods is a sign of the globalized system, which we are familiar with today. Although it is beneficial and almost essential for the continued economic sustainability of this system, studied show that it has a detrimental effect on public health.

One simple approach would be to reduce these flows. Perhaps to take on a more localized approach where such flows are reduced. Although this initially this approach may be successful, I believe this approach would have a detrimental impact on the economies of the nations concerned.

This ultimately, it could result in effecting the viability of health care programs. In the case …show more content…

Because health is linked to the economies, not just how it is funded but how globalization introduces drugs, technologies and techniques associated with healthcare.

There it is important to discuss the various practical options for lowering disease in many locations around the world. A solution should be devised that will promote good in the population with a global control of disease, while at the same time allowing global trade to continue to flourish.

The biggest problems from disease are epidemic diseases such as HIV, Cholera and Malaria are the most severe forms of disease, which can effect nations and globalization as a whole. This is due to disease being spread around the world. While Malaria and Cholera mainly do effect developing countries, HIV has had an impact on both developing and developed countries alike.

So lowering such infections is certainly important. For example, is countries such as South Africa, one of key factors in preventing the spread of HIV is education and giving people the knowledge regarding the disease and promoting the idea with free contraception available. The latter itself can certainly directly contribute to reducing further …show more content…

There are two ways in which this trade in food can open up the risks of food-borne illnesses.

Firstly, food imports can prove to be a hazard. In the United States, although only 20% of food which seems a little amount. However, 70% of seafood is imported, together with 35% of fresh produce. These are two high risk sources of food contamination.

One example of this a food illness, which originated from a shipment of strawberries in 1996. It originated to a specific field in Guatemala where the strawberries were being sprayed with infected water. The actions of one location in another country or region can now have consequences for a city or region many thousands of kilometers away. While globalization has open markets and brought an increasing variety of food, this convenience and availability is attached to certain risks (Globalzation 101, n.d.).

Although the risk can never be completely eliminated, there are certainly measures that can be taken to reduce this risk. Like many health issues there are many solutions and ideas. There is of course putting better controls and regulation in place, which a country would certainly do to protect its export