Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay: The Right To Die

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The Right to Die “According to research, some 66% of U.S. adults believe that a doctor or nurse should allow a patient to die in certain circumstances” (“25 Surprising”). This is exactly what assisted suicide allows. Assisted suicide is when a doctor will prescribe a lethal dose of medication to a terminally ill patient. Only 4 U.S. states have legalized assisted suicide due to the different ways people view it. Some believe their state should not allow such a bill to be passed because of moral reasons, yet others say it is a right everyone should have. Assisted suicide should be legalized because it is a humane way to end pain and suffering for someone who is terminally ill.
Assisted suicide gives terminally ill patients a way to die peacefully. Many patients worry about how painful their final days will be …show more content…

As Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old diagnosed with a brain tumor says, “There is not a cell in my body that is suicidal or that wants to die. I want to live. I wish there was a cure for my disease but there’s not” (Andrusko 2). This proves that patients do not want to die, yet they understand they do not have a choice. With this realization comes the wanting to control something about their life. And the only thing they have left to try and control is how they die.
Control is also wanted by doctors, for they also deserve the right to choose. Assisted suicide is not mandatory for doctors to give and therefore causes worry. “The real issue is preparing doctors for how to respond to patients who want the prescription to end their lives at home. Doctors may choose to participate or may opt out, but either way, they will need to know how to go about it” (Hallenbeck 1). This reinforces the fact that assisted suicide is humane because no one is being forced to do anything they do not believe in. Now, what happens to the patient if their doctor refuses to help them end their