Assisted Suicide Ethical Essay

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Assisted suicide is such a controversial matter, that simplifying it would help better the understanding of it’s purpose. Assisted suicide is when a patient is terminally ill or has a very short lifespan, gives permission for their doctor to end their life. Bear in mind the difference between ‘assisted suicide’ and ‘homicide’, where people commonly mistaken the two. Homicide is the act of taking another human’s life forcibly whereas assisted suicide is permission granted to take the person's life. While some consider assisted suicide as unethical the meaning behind it shows the political ethics behind the topic. When it comes to our health and body, we all have somatic rights to express our desires for our body, like that saying “your body, your choice”. Unfortunately when it comes to making a choice on how or when we want to end our life, our rights go out the door. It becomes more of an ethical issue with society. Society has made exceptions for this matter, for example when …show more content…

Or what if you were brain dead and couldn’t even go to the bathroom by yourself? Or if you were in Will’s situation where you have to be forced to live life in a wheelchair and watch life pass you by, as you be stripped away from all the things you did prior in life that made you happy. No one wants to have to lose their dignity and become completely independent on someone else for all their basic needs. Going through all that pain, and suffering is a lot worse than watching a loved one go through it. Imagine laying in a hospital bed having a few months left. Watching your family come and go to apologize, feel sorry, give you all that love, and attention they should have given you before. Why not end it right then? Why take their right/choice to end it right then ? Let their family move on, let the person going through all that pain move on, and end this suffering for