
Persuasive Essay On Assisted Suicide

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Suicide is a tremendous problem that exists today. Suicide is the act of taking one their

own life, and can be done in several different ways, whether that be inflicting harm on oneself,

overdosing on drugs, or even with the help of another person, which is known as assisted suicide.

Except for Switzerland and some states in the United States, assisted suicide is illegal. Assisted

suicide occurs mostly in circumstances where a person is suffering greatly or is terminally ill,

and so they would rather end their life than to live for years suffering when death is already

inevitable, so they ask for assistance in ending their life, as they are not able to do so alone. This

topic is extremely controversial as to whether or not it …show more content…

In fact, a man named

Harold went as far as shooting his own brother, Matthew, because he was suffering so greatly

that he begged for death, but it would not be given to him. Many say that assisted suicide is the

same thing as murder, but this is not true. The act of murder is to kill another by your own will,

but assisted suicide is helping someone end their suffering on their own accord. Death is a

natural occurrence that everyone must face eventually, and so people should have the moral right

to choose a quicker death if it is the only remedy to their terminal condition.

Those who oppose assisted suicide make the argument that “society has a moral duty to

protect and to preserve all life.”(2) and that “A society committed to preserving and protecting

life should not commission people to destroy it.” (2). While this is true, it should also be a moral

duty to not allow a fellow human being suffer immensely up until the point that their body

decides that it’s time to die, while we wait on the sidelines unable to relieve their pain. There

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