Persuasive Essay On Doctor Assisted Suicide

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After someone dies, our society has a tendency to turn a blind eye and not speak of it. In many countries, the topic of death can be a casual breakfast conversation that is celebrated not ignored; while in Canada we are just learning to utilize this perspective. What amazes many people in todays society is the worldwide controversy of MAID, also known as doctor assisted suicide. It is a phenomenon that has taken over the medical field, and has pushed health care professionals to their ethical limits. MAID is the deranged event of having a nurse or doctor give you a drug that results in a gentle death. Not only has this drug allowed for just over a thousand patients to fulfill their death wishes, but was very complex due to it only being available …show more content…

Bryden supports this view by authentically presenting how the drug, secobarbital is being introduced into Canada, in order to aid in the pain of suffering individuals. The medication is a fast acting drug that relieves the pain from the sick and vastly delivers a gradual death. These specific people who take the drug are incredibly ill with a virulent disease or infection, that have the light at the end of the tunnel dispersing more, with every day that passes. Those who hurt from the physical and psychological torcher of their illness have the mind set of allowing themselves to depart at their own accord. A nurse or doctor used to have to administer the medication, but with this new drug the actual patient has the option of doing it themselves, which is why it is so important secobarbital is becoming more common in Canada. In addition, Bryden explained when doctor assisted suicide became legal an abundance of people took the opportunity. Since being legalized in Canada, “a total of 1982 thousand people got the help from a medical professional to commit suicide. As well as a shocking five people took those deaths by their own hands.” (Bryden, 2017) Comparatively, not having access to