Persuasive Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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Physician assisted suicide, physician assisted death (PAD), or “death with dignity” is frowned upon within the medical and social world. Once the cases of patients who desire PAD are scrutinized, it is easy to undermine why this issue should not be outlawed. Many people seek PAD because of illnesses rotting away at their health; these illnesses and disorders cause individuals to experience unbearable pain and ultimately decide to end their life. There was a case of five year old girl in Oregon who her whole life suffered from muscular dystrophy. The girl experienced involuntary muscular movements, difficulty breathing, and unbearable pain. This led her, at the young age of five, to consider PAD. Many advised her, on religious grounds that she would be in heaven without her parents, but she decided to continue with her decision of PAD. Doctors respected her wish and conducted the procedure under the Oregon Assisted Suicide Law. If it wasn’t for the state’s law, the girl …show more content…

In this girl’s case though, PAD was outlawed in her country, and she had to suffer through many years. This girl was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age twelve. The disorder ravaged her lungs and digestive system until the pain became unbearable at age nineteen. This disorder can be life long and cannot be cured; she did not want to live with pain for the rest of her life. She made and sent a video of herself writhing in pain, begging her country’s prime minister to allow her to receive PAD. After the video went viral across the web, many stated that PAD would be an act of mercy for the girl who has lived with the disorder for years. Through these remarks, prime minister was subjected to accept, and the girl was allowed to die by PAD. Although PAD is still outlawed in the girl’s country, this girl’s case brought the country together to look at PAD as mercy against raging disorders that cause