Should Assisted Suicide Be Legalized Essay

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Should assisted suicide be legalized? I think that assisted suicide should be legalized if you are in the right state of mind. So I think if you don't have Alzheimer's then you should be able to make your own decision on if you want to live or die. I don't think that someone should be able to make that decision for you, and I don't think you should have to suffer the pain if you could have the choice to die when you want. Ronald Dworkin, author of Life’s Dominion, says that “many people want to save their relatives the expense of keeping them pointlessly alive . . .”. I also wouldn't want to suffer and to have to live through my family's loss and grief knowing that I would die when I could just die then and them not have to worry or take more time for grief. People have been migrating to different states that have legalized this act. For instance Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old schoolteacher who had brain cancer, received international attention for her decision to move to Oregon, where terminally ill patients have been allowed to take drugs to die since 1997. This women was so determined to kill herself and take the pain away and the loss of life practically that she migrated to another state to die. In the states with assisted suicide laws, the number of people who request and take medication to hasten dying has steadily …show more content…

Judge Reinhardt ruled on this issue by saying that “a competent, terminally-ill adult, having lived nearly the full measure of his life, has a strong liberty interest in choosing a dignified and humane death rather than being reduced at the end of his existence to a childlike state of helplessness, diapered, sedated, incompetent”. This statement connects with my opinion because we both say that people shouldn't have to suffer and be incapable of taking care of