Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Allowed Essay

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Should assisted suicides be allowed for terminally ill patients? In my perspective, I believe they should be allowed for a few different reasons. Many people worry that legalizing doctor assisted suicide is irrational and violates the life-saving tradition of medicine. However, physician-assisted suicide should be legalized because it offers terminally ill people an opportunity for a peaceful death by recognizing the inadequacies of current medical practice in their treatment. First off, how do you think a patient would feel if they have been in a hospital bed for many months suffering a battle they know they can’t defeat? That would be discouraging to the patient. “I’m not killing myself” she said “cancer is killing me” (Maynard, national review). These words came from a lady that was terminally ill with cancer and that wanted to commit an assisted suicide. I believe if a patient knows there is no possible way they could get better, no matter what medication was given, they should be able to make the decision of ending their own life.” Medicine has put at our disposal the means to cure or to reduce the suffering of people afflicted with diseases that were once fetal or painful” (Clarence H. Braddock). This means doctors now have medicine not just …show more content…

What this would mean is that if another child, adult, or elder needed an organ to live that you as a patient may have, you could donate that healthy organ to save someone’s life. Also, taking away your suffering that would be never ending could save another person from suffering that could be saved with your organs. Imagine the feeling the patient would have knowing they were dying peacefully while saving another individual. It was stated that,” The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live; you are important because of how effective you live” (Myles