Physician Assisted Suicide Pros And Cons Essay

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Physician Assisted Suicide is the patients decisions to end one’s own life by a lethal substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician. In 2015 the federal government lifted to the ban on Assisted Suicide, causing many controversial debates. Some were happy about this decision but many were strongly against this, including the Catholic Church. The Church is against Assisted Suicide because they see God as the creator of all things which also means it is his decision as to when someones time is up on Earth. “While the Church recognizes, and encourages compassionate care that alleviates the suffering of those who are near death, She also vigorously teaches that immoral means (such as euthanasia or direct killing) may never be used to reduce suffering even if they are used with apparently good intentions.” …show more content…

They should also be able to die with dignity and grace. Some think the family or spouse should be able to decide if the patient is unresponsive to medical treatment. They think that that is what the patient would want to put them put them out of their suffering. A con (going against the Catholic Church) of Assisted Suicide is that they say that as Catholic leaders they believe that life is the most basic gift from God. Thinking that it is our moral obligation to care for our own life and health and to seek such care from others recognizes that we are not morally obligated to use all available medical procedures in every set of circumstances. The patient must clearly affirm that they intend to cause one’s own death, or the death of an innocent victim, by action or omission. As catholics of goodwill should reject legalize assisted suicide. (“Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments - Euthanasia -” Should Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal?,