The Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide

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Do you have the right to control your body? Individuals have the right to control their lives and liberty. A right which protects them from government intrusion into their personal choices. As stated from the 14th Amendment, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States” (Bill of Rights). Although some consider assisted suicide to be morally wrong, from a legal standpoint, it is the decision of the person to do with their life as they wish. Assisted suicide should be allowed because, patients have the right to die when they desire, and being able to give painless a peaceful death, when two or more doctors agree on assisted suicide, the patients will have access to lethal drugs, being able to take these people out of there misery. Assisted suicide has been around as far back as the Roman Empire. They used a method called mercy killing and it has been around as early as the Greeks. It became more of a disgrace as Rome fell and the Catholic churches took over. Making mercy killing and assisted suicide a civil law, which prohibited any type of lethal drug or ending someone’s suffering …show more content…

In other words, people would be pulled on a slippery slope or towards a more frequent use of euthanasia (The Right To Die pg,94)”. When people say they will have to much power and will not be accountable to anyone, they are lying. Before they carry out the procedure they have to get a court order and have to allow them to release the lethal drug. In order for them to hear their case it takes several months, then the patient has to explain why they want to go through assisted suicide and make sure they are truly terminally ill and not taking advantage of the system. If the court decides not to grant them as their able to wait a couple of weeks and reopen your