
The Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide

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Different cultures have various opinions on ones right to die. African Americans are twice as likely over Caucasians, to request all medical means possible, such as life sustaining intervention and feeding tubes, regardless of their condition being terminal or not. They are reluctant to give up treatment options as it greatly contradicts their cultural and religious beliefs. They believe in the power of God and His ability to provide full body healing. Aborigines value harmony and nature and view euthanasia as culturally inappropriate. Eastern European nations approval rates are lower because of the religious population; however, religious denominations have little effect on opinions. Many Catholics are in favor of passive euthanasia, …show more content…

In our own community and state, along with our neighboring state, people have made the controversial decision to end their life by means of assisted suicide. In the recent documentary “How to die in Oregon," the video shares intimate moments of terminally ill patients who have contemplated or have unhesitantly made the difficult decision to participate in the legally accepted physician assisted suicide option, in order to end their life in a manner to maintain dignity. My knowledge of assisted suicide was very limited prior to watching the video. I hadn’t previously considered if assisted suicide was an option I would support or not. Not having any education on it, I lacked perspective and opinion. I now have a better understanding as to what assisted suicide means, how it can help terminally ill patients to end their life of suffering, agony, and constant pain, and how it affects the families they leave behind. I do not believe that people choose assisted suicide as an easy method of escape from suffering, but rather often choose it so their families and loved ones will not have to witness then wasting away, but rather that positive and happy memories will be left behind. If my own family were to desire to make this type of decision, I may not necessarily agree with it, but …show more content…

She went through the screening process and became an eligible candidate and was issued the medication that would put her in a medically induced coma , resulting in death. She had planned on a particular day and time to take the medication and had all the details mapped out. As her death date came, her body began to thrive again and she decided to not die on her original date as planned. Her family was in support of her but her son was struggling with her decision and truly didn’t want his mother to end her life by means of assisted suicide. Over a short time, her illness progress again and it became evident to the woman that she was failing to thrive. She had made another date for her death and continued on with her plan. On the day of her death the family came together and sang songs and shared a last evening of memories. The video showed the front of the home as the woman was taking her prescribed medication that would lead to her death. At that very moment a light came on upstairs… It is my feeling that the son had left the room as it may have been too much for him to handle emotionally. For me, this image portrays all the complexity of death and dying in a single snapshot. As my research demonstrated, death is a highly personal affair viewed through the lens of culture, sex, age, religion, and all manner

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