
Reflective Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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Re-visioning: For my topic on physician assisted suicide I would use this in an article format in a magazine or a website. The content would be facts stating how physician assisted suicide is beneficial to those who choose to end their life. Many people in the United States do not agree with the topic; I would want to change that mind set and help people see that terminally-ill patients have a choice. In America many topics are judged by morals that citizens were raised on. Physician assisted suicide is seen as “immoral” to some, the point of this article would be to change that stigma. I would like to provide personal stories from those who have been affected by physician assisted suicide. This is to explain how the loved ones feel during this tragic time. It is hard to imagine understanding …show more content…

I would simply ask to interview them about their experience. I would contact these people through Facebook or various other social media websites. The easiest way to find someone who has lost a loved one is to see if they post anything in support group blogs, or if they speak out openly about their experience to help others. A video interview would be interesting for a website ad to show the interviewee and how they truly are reacting. For the magazine I would state the experience of the passed loved one and how the treatment went. For instance: what drugs were used (vague terms for the readers), how long it took for their loved one to pass, and finally I would ask them to explain how it felt months or even years after their loved ones death. This all would go back to the main focus of showing how even in the most tragic times of losing a loved one what the patient wants comes first. I feel more stories should be shared to help change the minds of those who are against the idea of physician assisted suicide. Eventually, this could change the minds of American’s in all fifty states to legalize physician assisted

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