Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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A very controversial topic lately is that of euthanasia. Physician assisted suicide is a very debatable ethical issue because people have different morals. I argue that in some cases it is ethical and others it is not. I believe that if someone is going to die, that there is absolutely no cure available that if they want to die via physician assisted suicide that is their choice. One of the main reasons that people chose to die via PAS is because they are in pain and don’t want their families to see them miserable. One of the cases I remember from the news is a woman by the name of Brittany Maynard. She decided to move from California to Oregon to end her pain and suffering. Oregon is one of the very few states that make it legal for physician assisted suicide. More states should legalize PAS because then people can choose to die at home with their loved ones rather than having to move to a different state just to end their pain and suffering. …show more content…

This is very unfair and selfish of the family to keep them alive during this time. They cannot enjoy life because they have no brain function, and are only being kept alive by machines. Most people would not want to live in that kind of a situation. This can get very expensive for the family who would be just keeping them around for selfish reasons because they can’t imagine life without that person. Another thing that is ethical is having a DNR (do not resuscitate) this can be very good because it ensures that people know when the time comes they won’t have to put the decision on the family of when “to pull the plug.” Also living wills are very good because you don’t have to put the pressure of the decisions on your family