Persuasive Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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Physician Assisted Suicide Physician-assisted suicide is a very widely debated in the entire world. This is the act of a doctor helping a mentally competent terminal patient end their life. Very few countries and even fewer states in the US have decriminalized it and made it a legal action doctors can take without losing their license or being charged with murder. Many people agree and disagree with this ethical issue: Should physician-assisted suicide become legal to terminal patients? Many people will believe that this ethical issue should be legal all over the United States. Oregon, California, Colorado, Vermont, Washington, and D.C all have legalized the process of allowing a terminally ill patient painlessly end their lives with the approval of their doctor. Oregon runs a pro-assisted suicide group called “Death with Dignity”. According to their website, “The Death with Dignity process is robust: Two physicians must confirm the patient’s residency, diagnosis, prognosis, mental competence, and voluntariness of the request. Two waiting periods, the first between the oral requests, the second between receiving and filling the prescription, are required.” (Dignity) The mentally competent patient must also be able to administer the …show more content…

They believe a doctor's role is to care for and help a patient to their best ability, not to help them die. “Doctors or nurses or any medical practitioner cannot, morally or ethically, allow a person to die. This is a direct violation of the Hippocratic Oath.” Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a doctor that supported assisted suicide and was sentenced to 25 years in prison during 1999 for assisting a patient end their life. He administered the lethal medication through an IV and the patient had Alzheimer's setting in as well. He served 8 years and later died in 2011. To anti-supporters, he is viewed as a murderer, not a