Argumentative Essay On Assisted Suicide

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Assisted suicide, also known as Euthanasia, has be a topic riddled with controversy. In this discussion board, I will explain why doctors should not participate in assisted suicides. While, I can understand dying with dignity, the fact of the matter is many people are choosing Euthanasia, not to die peacefully, but because it is the economical route to take. Also, many patients fear of becoming a burden or dependent on their families. For example:
“In 2008, came the story that Barbara Wagner, a Springfield, Oregon, woman diagnosed with lung cancer and prescribed a chemotherapy drug by her personal physician, had reportedly received a letter from the Oregon Health Plan stating that her chemotherapy treatment would not be covered. She said she was told that instead, they would pay for, among other things, her assisted suicide.” (Golden 2014)
Also keep in mind, while doctors do incredible job, they are human, and may be wrong in diagnosing a terminal illness. Can you imagine, if you thought you were …show more content…

“A living will is a declaration not to provide life-sustaining treatment if there is no significant hope of recovery. It is only operative when its maker can no longer make medical decisions... Clients are well advised to sign written documents that are consistent with the state statutes in their state of residence. Failure to sign a proper living will may result in family conflicts over the client's declared intentions…” (Scroggin 2005) Many families are presented with living wills, when love ones remain in a coma, with no signs of recovering. I feel as though, this sort of responsibility should be bestowed on the doctor. Mentally, following the wishes of your love one, can resort to long term effects of guilt and remorse, though the families, are following the wishes of their love ones, essentially they are the ones “pulling the plug”. A task I’m sure no one would want to be responsible