
Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized Essay

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Peacefully into the Night Imagine a close family member is in the hospital suffering from excruciating pain, and it is almost certain they will not make it over the next six months. They are pleading for their misery to come to an end, but no one will listen. Would you really just stand by and watch them in agony, ignore their cries for an end? Individuals have the right to choose what to do with their own life. If they want a trained medical doctor to safely and peacefully end their life, then that is their decision. Many people feel that this choice may be helpful to patients who are tired of struggling, however others think that this solution will not solve anything and only cause more harm. Although some individuals feel it is devaluing …show more content…

A Gallup Poll last May found that nearly 70 percent of Americans agree that, “Out of decency and respect for the wishes of people suffering excruciating declines, doctors should be legally allowed to assist terminally ill patients end their lives with strict safeguards against abuse” (Gazette). There are already people believing that it is the right thing to do, however the issue is just trying to get it legalized throughout the whole United Sates. Montana, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and now recently California has already passed “right-to-die” laws. Oregon was the first state to pass this law and it was done so in 1994. Reno Gazette also observed, “In Oregon the number of suicides has been small—a total of 859 suicides in 17 years, last year there was 105 assisted-physician suicides out of a total of 34,160 deaths in the state” (Gazette). This proves that the law is not evoking an unnecessary amount of deaths. People are not taking advantage of the law and doing it just because they can. This demonstrates that the law does not persuade people to receive assistance in their

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