Why Is Physician Assisted Suicide Wrong

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Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Right to Murder? Doctors spend over eight years attending college, studying and practicing how humans work and how to save them. So why should it be right for physicians to help out their patients in killing themselves? If a person chooses to end their life, they completely loose the possibility of a medical miracle of being able to live through whatever condition they have. Instead of doctors taking the easy way out, they should work to find a solution to nurse the patient back to health. Physician-assisted suicide is wrong because it is murder, it puts an emotional burden on hospital employees and family members of the patient by taking part in a purposeful death, and it goes against the religious view that …show more content…

Both parties, family and hospital employees, can be affected by physician- assisted suicide. Doctors and nurses provide the means for the patient to end their own life and being responsible for that can create guilt and regret. As for family members, they may later feel regret for going along with the decision. The family may also feel pressured financially due to extremely high medical costs and insurance companies pushing for physician- assisted suicide. In 2010, over one forth of patients who killed themselves with medical assistance in Oregon and Washington, did so because they did not want to be a burden to their family (Harned, 2012). Families may also take selfish actions by not wanting to continue paying the medical costs to keep the person alive because that money they are spending would eventually become their inheritance. Families and doctors may also feel regret from the assisted death because they may have been able to live through the disease or illness. An example from one of Dr. Jack Kevorkian's patients proved that a wrong diagnosis could make the use of euthanasia a huge mistake. One of his patients had “committed suicide” with his assistance, because she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It was later discovered after an autopsy was completed on the patient, that she in fact did not have Multiple Sclerosis and if she would have had a second opinion done, she most likely would have made a completely different choice in dealing with her issue. The patient’s daughter was the one looking into her mother’s situation and the regret and guilt that is flooding over her is unspeakable. It is an easy mistake for a doctor to give a wrong diagnosis. A personal incident relating to this issue would be when my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. He had just gotten back from being deployed overseas and returned due to some health issues. He had had the cancer