Analysis Of Paul Kalanithi's When Breath Becomes Air

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When it comes to making end of life decisions for a loved one, we must take into consideration the patients wishes. As part of a person human flourishing and their autonomy the person is entitle to make their end-of-life decision. Like in the book When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, Paul and his family had to make end-of-life decisions for Paul since his medical condition was becoming worst as the days pass. During the last few days of Paul’s life, him and his family had to make decisions for Paul since his prognosis was detraining. As his wife Lucy stated, “ The only remaining intervention would be for Paul to be intubated- put him on a ventilator. Was that what he wanted? ...We’d witnessed this agonizing scenario as physicians, he …show more content…

As Paul stated in his book, “‘even if I make it through this,’ he said, thinking of the cancer in his brain, ‘ I’m not sure I see a future that includes meaningful time.’” Paul knew that his condition had very few chances of recovery. Therefore, he knew that the best option was to live those last moments that he had left without any invasive procedures that might only cause more pain and disrespect his human dignity. As we have learned in this class when it comes to making end-of-life decisions the person is entitle to “pursuit a peaceful death” by all means this person is entitle to choose to be relief from pain and suffering in order to die in a dignified way. In an ethical perspective Daniel Callahan stated, in our ethical book that the goal is to have “ a holistic view of the person.” This means that we must take into consideration the persons mind, body and spirit. According to our Health Care Ethics book, “ Dying persons not only want a voice in their treatment plan, they also want opportunities to express their values and wishes about life’s meaning as it comes to an end” (pg. 334). Most of the time dying patients wants to have a saying in their treatment plan. Some choose to die confortable and decided to terminate further treatment. For instant, Lucy states, “ If he doesn’t have a chance of meaningful time, he wants to take the mask off and hold Cady.” She knew that Paul would