Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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Psychologists need to be careful when diagnosing depression because symptoms such as loss of appetite, sleep disturbance and cognitive issues can be symptoms of their illness and not depression. Psychologists need to get to know the person and the illness they are suffering from to make an accurate diagnosis. If the client passes the evaluation they are one step closer to their goal of assisted suicide.
Terminally ill patients are more likely to be subjected to depression due to pain and sadness around them. Many argue if terminally ill patients had adequate palliative care with better control over their pain assisted suicide would not be needed. Having good support from friends and family members can help reduce the chance of developing depression.
Is it morally acceptable for a Christian to consider physician assisted suicide? If you are Christian you should believe that your God would never want you to suffer so He defiantly would not want you to suffer from an illness. Many people believe everything …show more content…

Many studies show that when a person has loving friends and family members they are less likely to consider suicide. People need support from family whether they are suffering from a terminal illness or depression. Depression can be caused by the feeling of not being wanted by anyone or feeling like you are a burden to those around you. Some people suffering from depression may even feel like life would be better for everyone if they just died already. Feeling like you are a burden can really affect someone’s mental state because they have to rely on someone else physically and sometimes financially. This burden could cause the patients care taker great stress and anxiety because they more than likely have their own life and family needs they need to take care of first. Physician assisted suicide would relieve this burden which would save the patient from suffering through pain and save the family