Astral Projection In Lucy Gray's Out Of Body Experiences

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How the soul can integrate with nature? Is that a real thing can happened in real life? Or it is just imagination? To live in another world, or to get your soul out of your body it is an easy thing or just a myth, we can read about it novels and poems? Lucy gray by William word worth discuses the theme of integration with neuter, and the idea of Out of Body Experiences. Is Lucy Gray can consider an application for the theory of the Astral Projection in specific Out of Body Experiences or not ? Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane. Out-of-body experience could be an amazing experience for a human , and couldn 't describe, when a person liberated from the physical body, and leave the material world. It is just keep an awareness and transparent body . This theory claimed that person can decided to go through a journey to other world, through this journey he …show more content…

" Lucy integrated with nature after a high transcendental sprite, she renounced the poor material world by enjoying her spirit of childhood and left this world to another one as if she go through out-of-body experience.. The second name of the poem is solitude which is a very important feature of the romanticism, where William Wordsworth belong. And also it is an important element for the out-of-body experience to be a lone an solitude, this experience need much space for loneness, meditation and imagination to reach the transcendental spirit and leave the materialistic body