Difference Between Christianity And Naturalism

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The debate of Naturalism versus Christian Views is a topic that garners a lot of attention, especially in scientific endeavors. Naturalism beliefs stem from the view that through scientific investigation you can discover how natural laws or forces operate in the world through evolution over time. On the other hand, Christians believe that God is in control of the universe and that He created humans with a body and a soul allowing a consciousness to be present during mental activities. When looking at this debate the questions that need to be asked is “What is a soul” and “Are thoughts and brain activity the same thing”? When looking at the debate between Naturalism versus Christian View, focus is on how did we get where we are today with complex thoughts and behaviors. Naturalists look at this question from the aspects of everything just coming into being through natural occurrences. For a Naturalist, they like to look for scientific evidence to back up their idea that the universe came together through evolutionary principles over time. One question that Naturalists have a difficult time answering deals with the conscious. What is a conscious and why do we have it? This has become a very difficult question …show more content…

Biological psychology deals with studying the mechanisms of the brain and nervous system from the standpoint of how they evolved and effect our behaviors. Naturalist believe that over time as we evolved we adapted to our current environment. An example of a Naturalist’s way of thinking would include the idea that a certain aspect of a species evolved over millions of years because it adapted itself for the survival of the species. A Naturalist’s view leaves no room for the possibility that God devised the whole universe and made everything as He saw fit. Instead the belief revolves around the idea that natural causes are sufficient to explain everything that exists in the