The Allies Model Analysis

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In a small classroom at Liberty University, students enrolled in an upper level psychology course have discussed the various models of the integration of psychology and Christianity as proposed by David N. Entwistle (2015). The models that were discussed include Enemies, Foreign Spies, Domestic Spies, Colonialists, Rebuilders, Neutral Parties, and Allies. One specific part of the curriculum for the class includes the input of each student on which of these seven models seem to be the strongest. From the perspective of one student in particular, this paper considers and makes arguments supporting why the Allies model provides the best explanation for the integration of psychology and Christianity. In this paper the case for why the Allies model …show more content…

Johnson explains in his book that psychology and Christianity went hand-in-hand as a coalition. This is seemingly due to the church’s assumed responsibility of soul-care, and the belief that all problems were caused by sin, not necessarily mental illness (2010). However, there are currently several views of conflict between psychology and Christianity, similar to the conflict recurrently found between science and faith. There is importance in the correlation of psychology and Christianity for both scientists and Christians. When not examined and pondered on, the relationship between psychology and Christianity today can cause much confusion in an individual, potentially leading to atheism and evolutionism. On the other hand, not examining the relationship between psychology and Christianity can also lead to the close-minded belief that science is evil, and that the only way to any kind of truth is through Christian faith and belief in Christ. There are seven models presented by D.N. Entwistle (2015) that are worth studying when determining how one views the relationship between psychology and Christianity. Upon reflection and examination of the seven models, it appears that the Allies model best explains the relationship between psychology and …show more content…

The name of the model, Allies, is truly representative of how the model views the relationship between psychology and Christianity: partners, associates, helpers, affiliates, etc. In this model psychology and Christianity are two individual units, or team members, that collectively perform tasks to accomplish a common goal: finding truth. Visually, this model can be compared to a circular Venn diagram with psychology as one circle, Christianity as the other circle, and truth in the middle overlap, where the two circles join together. Johnson (2010), writes about this alleged alliance in his book, implying that Christians should take seriously the influence physiology has on the cognition and emotion of an individual. Johnson (2010) was influenced by Spilka (1987), who maintained that Christians should view science as an ally to theology because it provides evidence for God’s design. Entwistle (2015) expounds upon the Allies model in more detail, revealing that it is not only the mere unity of psychology and Christianity, but that Allies presents all truth as God’s truth. The Allies model asserts that God is sovereign over both psychology and Christianity, and both are to be used in ways that glorify Him (Entwistle, 2015). Another characteristic of the Allies model that makes it unique from many of the other models, is its view of the Two