Death Of Person Research Paper

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The world we live in is easily the most perfectly imperfect system, comprising anything and everything: all of time, all of space, and every person to have ever existed. The best possible example of finding order and reason within the seemingly perpetual and infinite disorder of the universe, is faith. Whether through the organized religions of the billions of people on earth, or through individual spirituality. The fact that we know so little about the world we live in, causes people to look to the supernatural to explain even the most natural of all things. Destructive weather phenomena? God’s plan. Death of someone? God’s plan. Even those who don’t consider themselves religious, still turn to the idea of Karma when someone has wronged them. You, just like myself and all people, are guilty of this. It’s not our fault though, humans are predisposition to look towards the sky for answers of phenomena. In a December 2010 study by Beth Azar and the APA, Azar states “Adults tend to search for meaning during times of …show more content…

It is seemingly random that a massively destructive hurricane could devestate an entire coastline of a nation, misplace thousands if not millions, and result in billions of dollars in damage. Some people will say “It’s God’s plan.” Let's skip over the absurd notion that and all loving God would choose to let people suffer and die, and focus on scientifically or statistically proving exactly why the storm occurred. this is where we see the largest divide between religion and science. we can study these mass of storms and the impact that they have on people and society. we can determine exactly what factors went into creating the storm. we can even go as far as to looking into preemptive measures for future storms. with all this said, it takes the time and energy to actually look into the scientific basis for such; to bring chaos and disorder, in to