Professional Athletes Should Be Paid Essay

850 Words4 Pages

Should professional performers be paid as much money as they currently do?
You click the refresh button again, checking for any new songs by your recently decided favorite artist. No new material, no new songs, not even the title of the songs they will hopefully be releasing soon! Thankfully, this atrocious situation isn’t a frequent occurrence because your favorite singer, band, actor, artist, or athlete is well paid and can support themselves enough to keep doing their job. Yet, some people would argue the ‘celebrities’ that are performers are paid too much, but it’s the opposite. It’s mandatory to remember that the celebrities, from singers to athletes to artists, in question do their performances as their job. They should get paid equally, if not more, of what they already are because they work impossibly …show more content…

People will say that they are just the “media” and “don’t matter” but people who perform and become public figures are more than that. People who are famous performers and entertainers are looked up to as role models for children. When kids are young and asked what they want to be when they grow up, they answer judging by what they've seen in their life so far. If a child likes a certain singer’s music, they might want to pursue music careers later; if they see a football player, they may want to play football for a school team; if they see an interesting artist, they might want to take art lessons. Without children have such figures to look up to, the future leaders of our world won’t have the motivation to keep trying for a certain goal. Children are inspired by the things they see, and when they see a performer doing something that interests them, they are motivated to try that themselves. We need to keep supporting entertainers so they can keep motivating the children that will wholly determine our country in the