Atomic Theory Timeline

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Development of the atomic theory Date Scientist Contribution Constraints 460-370 BCE Democritus • First proposed the existence of an ultimate particle 384-322 BCE Aristotle • Believed that no matter how many times you cut a form of matter in half, you always would have a smaller piece of that matter 1635-1682 CE Johann Becher • Developed the Phlogiston Theory (now obsolete) 1660-1734 CE Georg Stahl 1733-1804 CE Joseph Priestly • Discovered oxygen, which he called Dephlogisticated air 1743-1794 CE Antoine Lavoisier • Proposed the Combustion Theory and the Law of Conservation of Mass and named oxygen 1754-1826 CE Joseph Proust • Proposed the Law of Constant Composition 1776-1844 CE John Dalton • Proposed the Law of Multiple Proportions, …show more content…

(N/A). (N/A): (N/A). Retrieved 10 March 2015 from • Atomic theory timeline in Soft (2005-2015). (N/A): (N/A). Retrieved 10 March 2015 from • Atomic Structure Timeline in Atomic Structure (1996). Watertown High School 825 Endeavour Drive, Watertown, Wisconsin 53098, America: Lee Buescher. Retrieved 10 March 2015, from • Modern Atomic Theory: Models in Development of the atomic theory. (2007). (N/A) : (N/A). Retrieved 10 March 2015, from • Schrodinger’s cat in Wikipedia the free encyclopaedia. (2015). (N/A): (N/A). Retrieved 14 march 2015, from Most of my sources seem reliable. The information seems consistent between multiple websites, because I looked at more websites than what I have listed here, which I didn’t list because they didn’t have anything to add. Some of them are quite old (one was from 1996) and that would reduce the reliability of them because information changes over time. Alot of them don’t have an author listed in them so I can’t attribute information to a person or persons and that can impact the